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    “Prison religion”

    When an inmate “gets religion” to help his or her chances for parole, what they have is often called “prison religion,” where post-release Jesus gets left behind. Today on “Discover the Word,” the group, and Institute for Prison Ministries director Karen Swanson, talks about “prison religion” and also wants to know, when your circumstances change for the better, where is Jesus in your life? “Discover the Word” today!

    “We’re all prisoners, until Christ sets us free”

    Imagine being forced to live 24/7 in a room the size of your bathroom. Sounds like prison, right? Today on “Discover the Word,” the group and special guest, director of the Institute for Prison Ministries, Karen Swanson, compare the confinement of a prison cell with the spiritual prison we confine ourselves to through our own wrong choices. “We’re All Prisoners, Until Christ Sets Us Free”—join that study today on “Discover the Word”!

    The Same God

    People sometimes ask me, “How come the God of the Old Testament seems so cruel and harsh compared to the God of the New Testament?” To answer that question, I start by assuring them that He doesn’t have multiple personalities—the God of the Old and New Testaments is the same God. He’s “the same yesterday, today, and forever” (Hebrews 13:8). I then explain that a good God can’t tolerate sin—an uncomfortable truth for some to acknowledge.

    Greater than the Mess

    A major theme of the Old Testament book of 2 Samuel could easily be “Life is a mess!” It has all the elements of a blockbuster TV miniseries. As David sought to establish his rule as king of Israel, he faced military challenges, political intrigue, and betrayal by friends and family members. And David himself was certainly not without guilt as his relationship with Bathsheba clearly showed (chs. 11–12).

    Yet near the end of 2 Samuel we find David’s song of praise to God for His mercy, love, and deliverance. “You, Lord, are my lamp; the Lord turns my darkness into…

    Broken Instruments

    A good friend broke my double bass—a large, expensive, stringed instrument used in orchestras and jazz bands. We were loading up the van before traveling to a gig and he carelessly set the bass down on an incline. The wind was blowing that night and the hollow, wooden instrument toppled, resulting in multiple breaks.

    Resisting the Trap

    A Venus flytrap can digest an insect in about 10 days. The process begins when an unsuspecting bug smells nectar on the leaves that form the trap. When the insect investigates, it crawls into the jaws of the plant. The leaves clamp shut within half a second and digestive juices dissolve the bug.

    This meat-eating plant reminds me of the way sin can devour us if we are lured into it. Sin is hungry for us. Genesis 4:7 says, “If you do not do what is right, sin is crouching at your door; it desires to have you.” God spoke these…

    “The blessed alliance”

    What does it mean in the second chapter of Genesis, when God said, “It’s not good for man to be alone”? Today on “Discover the Word,” the group, and author Carolyn Custis James introduce an important concept Carolyn calls “the blessed alliance.” Be part of the group for this key conversation today on “Discover the Word”!

    A Patriarchal culture of the Bible

    When reading the Bible, you can’t escape noticing that men were clearly in charge. A patriarchal world is definitely the setting in which the story of the Bible is told. But today on “Discover the Word,” author Carolyn Custis James and the group discuss how making the patriarchal culture of the Bible the message instead of the backdrop to the message can cause confusion. An enlightening conversation today on “Discover the Word”!

    Let’s begin a study called Malestrom

    Today on “Discover the Word,” author Carolyn Custis James joins the group to begin a series of conversations about something she calls the m-a-l-e “malestrom.” Just as women are often marginalized in our world, Carolyn feels that in many ways men are in trouble too. So be part of the “Discover the Word” group with special guest Carolyn Custis James as they begin a study called, Malestrom on “Discover the Word”!

    Too Close

    I grew up in Oklahoma where severe weather is common from early spring through the end of summer. I recall one evening when the sky boiled with dark clouds, the TV weather forecaster warned of an approaching tornado, and the electricity went out. Very quickly, my parents, my sister, and I climbed down the wooden ladder into the storm cellar behind our house where we stayed until the storm passed by. 

    Today “storm chasing” has become a hobby for many people and a profitable business for others. The goal is to get as close as possible to a tornado without being…

    When to Walk Away

    When my father became a Christian in his old age, he fascinated me with his plan for overcoming temptation. Sometimes he just walked away! For example, whenever a disagreement between him and a neighbor began to degenerate into a quarrel, my father just walked away for a time rather than be tempted to advance the quarrel.

    One day he met with some friends who ordered pito (a locally brewed alcoholic beer). My father had formerly struggled with alcohol and had decided he was better off without it. So he simply stood up, said his goodbyes, and left the gathering of old friends…

    Hard Questions

    One Saturday afternoon, a group of teenagers gathered in a cafeteria to ask one another some hard questions based on Philippians 2:3-4. Some of the difficult queries included: On a scale of 1 to 10, how selfish are you? How often do you take an interest in others too? Would someone describe you as humble or proud? Why?

    The Line Between

    Two government agents were assigned the case of “Dread Pirate Roberts.” This “pirate” was the anonymous operator of “the Silk Road,” a website that sold illegal drugs by using the virtual currency Bitcoin. The agents caught their man, but not before becoming criminals themselves. They allegedly sold the information about their investigation and blackmailed the “pirate,” transferring big bucks to their own bank accounts. Their story demonstrates how thin the line is between good and evil.

    The Sin of Pretending

    In 2008, a man was killed in a car crash in New Zealand. The autopsy revealed he’d been driving without wearing a seatbelt, having installed a fake belt which went over one shoulder so that it appeared to any passing motorist or police car that he was actually wearing a real one. He was pretending to comply with the law, but according to the coroner his subterfuge cost him his life.

    Fighting Temptation

    Mimi began working at a brothel in her early 20s. The big money began funding a lavish lifestyle, but working nights meant she lost touch with her friends. Soon things began spiraling out of control.

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